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President’s Message

April 12, 2024

This will be my final President’s message! In this message, I will not talk about upcoming events like the Roadside Cleanup April 19-30, the Ron Despres Memorial Golf Tournament in July, or possible After Hours, but rather I am using this time to say THANK YOU!!!

At the Annual Dinner Meeting, I received so many heartfelt tributes. You made it sound
like I was a superstar! I received very thoughtful gifts from the Board and the Past
Presidents. I love the Proclamation! I am so very grateful for all the support I have
received throughout the years. I do, however, want to set the record straight! I didn’t do
it alone. Many years ago, I learned that the sign of a good leader is the group of people
she/he has working with them. Success is a team effort. I worked with several different
boards during my terms as President. Together we built a strong, resilient, financially stable organization. An organization of which I am very proud, and I hope you are too. We faced challenges together and enjoyed the rewards together. We didn’t always agree but we respected each other’s opinions. Our different viewpoints resulted in some
great decisions. It is for all these reasons, and more, that I want to extend the gratitude that I received to all the board members who served with me.

There are a few other people that I want to thank. Marc Tieger, you have been a mentor
whose opinion I regard highly. Even more important to me is the friendship that we
share. Thank you for always having time for me. Jeff Crocker, you were always
available when a situation called for legal advice. Thank you for being there. Cathy
Furze, we worked some long days together. We were determined to make the Chamber
healthy again after COVID changed the life of our community. Our friendship means so
much to me. Thank you. Becky Newton, you kept me organized and on target. Thank you for that and our friendship. Vicki Doyle, you were instrumental in helping the chamber bounce back. You are a great friend. Jessica Johansson, our time together was short but
rewarding. Our organizational skills kept the chamber moving forward. Thank you!
Susan, Owen, Steve, and Sheila, you all contributed to my success and the success of
our chamber. Thank you! I just want you all to know that I would not have been
successful without your help!

Cyndy Burgess


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